
Join the Vagabond City Team — Call for CNF Edtior

We have a new opening for one volunteer position: CNF Editor. See below for application details. Please note: all staff positions are volunteer and are thus unpaid. All positions are also virtual/remote. CNF Editor (Posted June 17, applications will be accepted until position is filled) Each month, VC features one CNF author as a part […]

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Everything, Issue 96, Now Read This

Now Read This | June 2024

Highlighting recently released and forthcoming works by marginalized creators Discovery by Dee Allen In New York City during the Truman years, two photographers met and worked with their greatest discovery – a blue-eyed, fresh-faced brunette from Nashville who stepped before their cameras, bound to change the game. The poems in Discovery – Oakland performance poet […]

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Everything, Issue 96, Poetry

nine hundred and twenty-six days of honeysuckle, rosemary, and thyme by Serah Wolfe

flowers froth-blooming:carmine and daffodil, orchid and violetgreen glimmering alien iridescenceautumn winding throughthe karmic wheel, edifice of lifestraddling life, the earthbleeding earth, briefcracking clouds, a secondlate blooming still alivelate but not too late. nourishing the bones of my quiet aether behindthe ginkgo tree, kicking crabapples asidejoy, resurrection, andfaeries made from pegs withclear gray eyesthe children of […]

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Everything, Issue 96, Poetry

Posy by Loré Yessuff

Last week, I couldn’t afford therapy,so I bought flowers instead.Ranunculi and roses, fern and blazing star.A modest bouquet of beauty,beholden only to the breeze between.Unlike me—modernity’s stupid bride.Wringing my dread, counting my debt.It’s endless, endless. Dial a friend,thread our lament. We pledge allegiance todespair, we drown in ocean breath.On a walk toward nowhere, my mom […]

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Issue 96, Reviews + Interviews

In Review: Synthetic Jungle by Michael Chang

If I had to describe Michael Chang’s Synthetic Jungle, I might point to the opening line of“白球鞋 WHITE TENNIS SHOES,” “‘poetry of the everyday’ means boring poetry.” It’s funny,pointed, and true, the type of highly quotable line you want to share with all your friends and allyour enemies. It’s also fascinating because Synthetic Jungle feels […]

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Art, interview, Issue 96, Poetry

Poetry + An Interview with Ambyunderock

Sky Rays Color splash,Blue, magenta, pink. a dash,Every day above a painting in the sky, color mish-mash. Clouds cover,We wonder.Uncover. Vibrant everyday. Sunbeam rays.Even if unseen we know they are to stay.Happy to see again walking down the lane. Anywhere a ray of sun,Dusk and dawn,Routine. Constant.Even in the grey.Restart. Another day. Vibe Spring-Fall, Art Stall […]

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